When Philip Clarke speaks of innovative ranging and produce development, it’s fair to say we’ve not really seen anything that would make your average customer cross the road. Tesco Finest was a good relaunch, but the price points mean that customers are even more aware of what they can get pound for pound at Aldi.
Everyday Value was the first change and it set the bar high, Tesco Value was tired and needed a refresh and Everyday value was high impact, albeit low margin.

The rest of the own label work has been relatively vanilla, important to get Tesco ‘back in the pack’ but nowhere near the level of ‘Chosen By You’ for example via Asda. Homebake was a good launch and gave customers who liked baking a reason to get into store.

It’s not all good news however, the Bakery launch (lots of plain brown bags and plastic) served to annoy loyal customers who saw preferred products disappear and prices increase.
Within the innovative range news, word has reached me that Tesco are to take on the likes of Slimming World, Diet Chef and indeed Weight Watchers with the launch of their own bespoke eating plan and associated range of food, online diet plan and having specialist advisors in some stores. The name? My Fit Lifestyle.
Whilst Slimming World don’t license any food within retailers (bar their own groups), Weight Watchers range a wide variety of products across all categories, if Tesco can launch a package that a) works for dieters and b) enables products to be purchased within Tesco stores alone, then this could really help attract new customers into Tesco.
Linking with Clubcard, Tescodiets.com and then the array of multichannel opportunities mean this could be extremely lucrative indeed.
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