Our ways of working – a different way for a different time
We have developed six ways of working that best describe the framework that we utilise for clients around the world.
We stand by these ways of working; they’re not overly complex, but they work, they deliver results, and we embed them in every single piece of advice, guidance, or report we produce.

Detail – It’s all about the detail with retail. There is never any point in half measures, or not giving the full picture.
We couldn’t sleep soundly at night knowing that we had left something on the table that could have improved things for someone.

Truth be told – It’s difficult to think of just how many people in retail have deluded themselves into thinking everything will be just fine.
We are truth-tellers, and as we’re external facing it’s easier for us. We’re immune to the politics and we don’t know what ‘no go’ areas there are. Everything is on the table as we’re just honest for the customer.

Curation – But what do you think? What do we think? What does anyone else think for that matter?
Our curated selection of images and reporting will showcase the very best examples across all areas of retail. Categorised beautifully, they will save you time, money and allow you to sleep soundly, knowing you have our best for your project.

Back to basics – Any good retail turnaround plan involves going back to basics. Let’s just keep things simple, shall we?
If we see it in the store, a customer can see it, and they then form a perception of your brand or store.
Back to basics – always. Keep offers, store standards, promotions, packaging, layouts, and anything else, simple, clear, and easy to understand.

Always another way – There are always other ways to approach something, other methods to try, and other ideas to be generated or considered.
Our ideas, experience, and vast image library can help you find them.
We can also help by simply asking questions, and in some cases, by being a bit awkward too.

Trusted – We are trusted to deliver insight to retailers, suppliers, investment companies, marketing agencies, executives, journalists, and more.
We don’t empty the shelves in the store, then take a picture of it to show ‘poor standards’.
We simply consider the context and the customer, and then deliver our verdict.
Want to take action?
Why not benefit from our experience, knowledge, imagery, and good humour and see the transformational effect of our ways of working?
Don’t waste time trying to work it out yourself; save time and effort and deliver great results today.
Our ways of working – our image portal
Our image portal is both an invaluable resource for our clients and a key component of how we do business.
This vast image repository allows our clients to see an end-to-end view of seasonal events, entire product ranges, new product developments, and new and notable store visits.
The portal also showcases retail best practice, driving the generation of new ideas and innovation and delivering the right results for our clients.
For anyone in retail this service is a time-generating, resource-saving beast that offers unbeatable value.
- Fully-curated image database containing over 250,000 images, with weekly market updates as standard.
- Over seven years of detailed imagery from retail stores around the world, in both food and non-food.
- User-friendly sub categorisation as standard. Do you want to see the chilled foods range from Sainsbury’s in 2018? No problem. From week three in December? Easy.
- Our handpicked selection of category-based best practice available at your fingertips.
- High-quality imagery for downloads. Only the best make it in – no blur and no out of focus imagery.
- Utilise ‘Collections’ to save your favourite images from all areas of the portal for sharing ideas and images with colleagues.
- Grow sales and improve your business whilst saving time. You can’t say fairer than that!
Our ways of working – our insight packages
We have a number of flexible insight packages available that enable us to work with your business on a project, retained, or ad-hoc basis.
We work with clients in several different ways. How we do this depends entirely on your request.
- Our strategy session is critical to help to ascertain your needs, how we can help, and whether we are the right partner for your business.
- Once we’ve established that we can help, we set about answering your brief and delivering the insight to you.
- There are several methods that we use to deliver insight, including webinars, voice calls, presentations with image packs, and/or written documents to suit your needs.
- We also utilise our image archive to highlight best practice from our worldwide coverage and to illustrate our points.
- We visit stores again for the latest imagery, if we need to – nothing is left to chance.
- We highlight elements that are common across the market, as well as things that are different, to identify and understand any potential shifts in trend.
- We share our imagery using our portal to aid collaboration.
- We’re always available for follow up. We’re flexible, We know retail changes, briefs change, and requests move around, and we’re here to help.